About US!

Piwak Natural Health

Piwak Natural Health is a herbal company which deals in the manufacturing of herbal drugs. Most people had been suffering from chronic diseases without any proper medication and treatment over the past years. The health care of the people is of paramount importance so the team research into medicine to produce the best drugs for the treatment of the ailment. The natural drug was produced without preservatives, no addition of water and also without boiling and heating. It was directly extracted from plant juice in a plant solvent.

Moreover, we got registered with the Traditional Medicine Practice Council (TMPC) under the Ministry of Health with registration number TMPP02676 on the 8th Day of May2014.The product was researched and analyzed by the Department of Herbal Medicine (KNUST)on the 5th June,2014 with analysis test conducted on Efficacy Acute and Sub-chronic Toxicity Test. Remarks showed that the natural product has medicinal properties that is able to clear the veins and arteries of any blockages, helps allow for proper blood circulation to prevent diseases in the body and also to improve upon the human immune system which helps to fight infections and other diseases.


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3P Garlic Mixture is the name of the natural organic drug and was approved by the FDA with registration number FDDB/HB.15-2048 on the 1st April 2015 and that was our first approval.
Lastly the company went ahead to register its name under the Ghana Registered General Department Act 1962 (No.151) with certificate of Registration number (No.BN65500201) on 18th Day of April, 2015.

Our Mission

• Providing high quality standards to bring out authentic natural drug without any side effect.
• To advance in primary healthcare and proper research into the indigenous herbal medicine.
• Underlying proper marketing strategy product in the marketing chain.
• To create awareness and educate people on health issues.

Our Vision

To be one of the most recognized herbal manufacturing companies in Ghana and across the globe
producing effective and quality natural product to improve the health and wellness of people.

Our Objectives

• Our company is set to produce high quality drugs for the consumers by ensuring good
Manufacturing practices and quality control methods.
• Using advance technologies to manufacture the product in large quantities to be able
to supply across the globe.
• Ensuring proper time management from the manufacturing process to the finished
Products to providing consistency and trust among suppliers.
• Proper checking and recording of raw materials to avoid shortages.
• Creating convenient marketing strategies and accessibility and also promoting online marketing
through website.